Tuesday was hilarious!
It all started when Camille and I thought we could walk Applonia to her
training at the Beet Farm which is about 2 miles from where we are
staying. The problem is: we have never
walked there before. Her training
started at 4pm. We start to leave at
3:30pm, we actually leave at 3:45.
OBVIOUSLY we arrive late, at 4:19pm.
We felt so bad, but the thing is the smoke stacks weren’t as high as
they were before and I couldn’t see where to walk. And AGAIN we didn’t use the hand-drawn map.
The insanity doesn’t end there however. We follow the directions of a 10 year old
and get completely lost and double the time it takes us to walk home. But as a result we took these awesome
pictures in the parks, grass and underpasses that we walked through. Enjoy!
Um am I missing something??? Where did the pix go?